每日一词∣外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves

中国人民银行10月6日发布的数据显示,截至2019年9月末,中国外汇储备规模为30924亿美元,较年初上升197亿美元,升幅0.6%。8月份外汇储备规模保持在31070亿美元。China had foreign exchange reserves worth $3.0924 trillion on the mainland by the end of September, up 0.6 percent or $19.7 billion from the beginning of this year. In August, the reserves stood at $3.107 trillion, according to data released by the People's Bank of China, the central bank, on Sunday.






The Chinese economy has achieved tremendous growth since the founding of New China 70 years ago, and especially since the start of reform and opening-up 40 years ago. China is now the world's second largest economy, the largest manufacturer, the largest trader in goods, and holder of the largest foreign exchange reserves. In 2018, the Chinese economy passed the RMB90 trillion yuan mark and per capita GDP was close to US$10,000. Our 6.6 percent economic growth rate, one of the highest in the world, meant that China accounted for around 30 percent of global growth last year.



人民币汇率 the RMB exchange rate

主权债务 sovereign debt

企业债券 corporate bonds


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