
In the ever-evolving landscape of scientific innovation, the Neutrino Energy Group emerges as a trailblazer, pioneering groundbreaking ventures that push the boundaries of human understanding. Among its recent endeavors, the unveiling of the Neutrino 12742 project stands as a testament to the group’s unwavering commitment to transformative exploration. This ambitious initiative promises to revolutionize global communication by harnessing the intrinsic properties of neutrinos, propelling humanity into a new era of connectivity and information exchange.


Unveiling a Paradigm-Shifting Initiative 推出一项范式转换的倡议

At the heart of the Neutrino 12742 project lies an audacious vision: to establish communication channels that transcend the limitations of traditional technologies. Unlike conventional methods reliant on radio waves or satellites, which contend with interference and signal attenuation, neutrino-based communication presents a paradigm-shifting alternative distinguished by its unmatched velocity and robustness. Through the process of encoding data onto artificially generated neutrino beams, this initiative endeavors to exploit the inherent properties of neutrinos as data carriers, facilitating seamless communication over vast expanses with negligible latency.


Neutrino communication is a communication method that uses neutrinos to carry information. Neutrinos are mysterious elementary particles that are found throughout the universe. Neutrinos are neutral elementary particles with extremely small mass and no charge. They can propagate in a straight line at nearly the speed of light and can easily penetrate steel, seawater, and even the entire earth, with very little energy loss. Therefore, they are a very attractive ideal information carrier.


The application of neutrinos in communication, like other communication methods, is to use neutrinos as information carriers. The information we want to transmit, such as voice, images, data, etc., must be received through a technology called "modulation" and "piggybacked" on the neutrino beam. Advanced quantum encryption methods are used to carefully encode it into the neutrino stream to ensure the security and availability of the data during the entire transmission process. The unstoppable power of neutrinos is used to transmit information to the destination at nearly the speed of light, thus avoiding the inherent delay of traditional communication media. Then a technology called "demodulation" is used to separate the information from the neutrino beam and restore its original appearance


Furthermore, the scalability of neutrino-based communication holds immense potential for applications ranging from terrestrial to extraterrestrial communication. Beyond Earth’s confines, where conventional communication methods falter due to signal attenuation and propagation delays, neutrino-based systems offer an unprecedented means of interstellar communication. The vast distances inherent in space travel necessitate communication technologies capable of transcending astronomical distances with minimal latency, making neutrino-based communication systems an indispensable asset for future space exploration endeavors.


Neutrino mysteries are being probed via a strange underground detector - Neutrino Science

Navigating the Depths of Scientific Exploration(深度的科学探索)

Embarking on this ambitious journey requires a multidisciplinary approach, drawing upon the collective expertise of scientists, engineers, and innovators dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of neutrino communication. Through rigorous research and experimentation, the Neutrino Energy Group aims to decipher the intricate mechanisms underlying neutrino interaction, paving the way for the development of robust communication protocols and technologies. From particle physics to information theory, this endeavor spans diverse fields of study, converging towards a singular goal: to harness the full potential of neutrinos for the betterment of humanity.


A Testament to Innovation and Progress(创新与进步的证明)

At the vanguard of manifesting this theoretical promise into tangible fruition stands the idiosyncratic German savant, humanitarian, and magnate, Holger Thorsten Schubart, helm of the Neutrino Energy Group as its CEO and majority shareholder. Schubart’s dedication to advancing neutrino research is driven not only by its theoretical promise but also by its tangible potential to revolutionize the energy landscape.

Holger Thorsten Schubart

站在将这一理论前景转化为切实成果的最前线的是德国学者、人道主义者和产业巨头 Holger Thorsten Schubart,他是 中微子能源集团(Neutrino Energy Group )的掌舵人,也是其首席执行官和大股东。Schubart 长期致力于推进对中微子的研究,这不仅是因为中微子‬广阔‬的‬理论前景,还得益于中微子能源可以‬彻底改变能源格局的实际潜力。

His visionary leadership stems from a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of science and technology to address pressing global challenges, such as climate change and energy sustainability. Moreover, his endeavors are motivated by the recognition of the incredible advantages that neutrino-based communication can offer, paving the way for unprecedented advancements in global connectivity and communication.


Eminently distinguished within his domain, Schubart has dedicated a substantial share of his personal capital to propel the genesis and actualization of his company’s groundbreaking innovation, neutrinovoltaic. This direct infusion of personal finances stands as a resolute testament to his profound conviction in the transformative capacity of neutrino energy to redefine sustainable energy paradigms.

Holger Thorsten Schubart在其领域内享有盛誉,他将相当一部分个人资金用于推动公司革命‬性‬产品‬——中微子伏特(neutrinovoltaic)的研发和产品实现。这种个人资金的直接注入坚定地证明了他对中微子能源具有重新定义可持续能源模式的能力。

The indispensability of his financial patronage looms large in steering the Neutrino Energy Group’s pioneering strides in research and development. Schubart’s funding serves as the lifeblood, facilitating the exploration of avant-garde scientific and engineering methodologies imperative in transmuting neutrinovoltaic theory into a tangible energy solution. Through his intimate underwriting of these ventures, Schubart exemplifies an unparalleled dedication to the advancement of sustainable technology, affirming his stature not only as a corporate luminary but as a veritable trailblazer in the realm of eco-conscious energy innovations.

Holger Thorsten Schubart的资金支持对于推动中微子能源集团在研发领域的不断进步至关重要。他的资金是集团的命脉,是支持和推动对前沿科学和工程方法的探索动力,正是这些必要条件,才让中微子伏特(neutrinovoltaic )从理论转化为现实产品。舒巴特通过对这些项目的密切支持,体现了他对可持续技术进步的无私的奉献精神,不仅确立了他作为企业杰出人物的地位,也确立了他作为环保可持续性能源创新领域名副其实的开拓者的地位。

Large Hadron Collider ATLAS shifts into high gear during Run 3 - Neutrino Science

His resolve to infuse substantial personal capital, channeling an astounding 2.5 billion dollars towards the Pi Car endeavor and another billion dollars towards the domain of artificial intelligence, stands as a monument to his unwavering dedication to these forefront technologies. Schubart’s foray into AI signifies a pivotal component within a comprehensive blueprint aimed at refining neutrinovoltaic technology. The amalgamation of AI within the sphere of research and development facilitates intricate simulations, fosters nuanced material engineering, and streamlines energy conversion mechanisms. The discerning analytical prowess inherent to AI serves as a cornerstone in surmounting the myriad technical obstacles entwined with the harnessing of neutrino energy.

他决定投入大量个人资本,为 Pi Car (π汽车)计划投入高达 25 亿美元,并在人工智能领域投入10亿美元,这表明他对科学技术的坚定不移的奉献精神。舒巴特进军人工智能领域是旨在加速‬改进中微子伏特(neutrinovoltaic )技术的全面蓝图中的关键因素‬。人工智能在研发领域的使用,加速‬融合‬了‬复杂材料‬的模拟验证的过程‬,也加速了精细材料的制备过程‬,并简化了能量转换机制。人工智能具有超强‬的‬分析能力是克服利用中微子能量相关的无数的技术障碍的基石。

Moreover, the recent infusion of 500 million euros in the Neutrino 12742 initiative underscores the Neutrino Energy Group’s steadfast dedication to propelling scientific boundaries forward. This substantial investment not only bolsters the financial resources essential for cutting-edge research but also underscores the group’s unwavering commitment to transformative innovation. Named “Neutrino 12742” in homage to the Earth’s diameter, this project symbolizes the vast expanse of possibilities awaiting exploration.


At the heart of the Neutrino 12742 initiative lies a collaborative effort involving a diverse array of scientific minds. The Neutrino Energy Group recognizes the invaluable contributions of researchers across the globe and is committed to integrating their expertise into the project. By leveraging the insights and methodologies of these esteemed scientists, the group seeks to forge a collaborative ecosystem conducive to breakthrough discoveries.

Neutrino 12742 计划的核心是建立各种科学人才的合作机制。中微子能源集团认可全球研究人员的宝贵贡献,并致力于将他们的专业知识融入该项目。通过利用这些受人尊敬的科学家的见解和方法,该集团寻求打造一个有利于突破性发现的合作生态系统。

Furthermore, the Neutrino Energy Group assumes full responsibility for financing the entire project, sparing no expense in pursuit of its ambitious goals. From the development of cutting-edge technologies to the implementation of groundbreaking communication protocols, every aspect of the Neutrino 12742 initiative will be meticulously funded and executed under the group’s purview.


As the project unfolds, the Neutrino Energy Group will work tirelessly to integrate this revolutionary form of communication into the broader neutrino family. By fostering a cohesive network of scientific inquiry and innovation, the group aims to redefine the contours of global communication, transcending geographical barriers and ushering in a new era of connectivity. Through strategic partnerships, interdisciplinary collaboration, and unwavering dedication, the Neutrino 12742 project stands poised to revolutionize the way humanity communicates and collaborates on a global scale.


Generating power with Neutrinos? Holger Thorsten Schubart Believed Despite the Odds - Neutrino Science

Transformative Projects(变革性的项目)

Beneath the stewardship of Schubart, the Neutrino Energy Group has already embarked on a visionary odyssey, unveiling several audacious endeavors that vividly exemplify their prowess in harnessing the enigmatic force of neutrinos. Foremost among these endeavors stand the Pi Car and the Neutrino Power Cube, heralding a new epoch of technological marvels.

在舒巴特的领导下,中微子能源集团已经开始了一场富有远见的冒险之旅,推出了几项大胆的尝试,生动地展示了他们利用中微子神秘的能力。在这些努力中,最重要的是Pi Car(π汽车)和中微子能力立方(Neutrino Power Cube),预示着技术奇迹的新时代的到来。

The Pi Car project, a collaborative venture entwining the expertise of entities such as Simplior Technologies, SPEL Technologies, and C-MET Pune, aspires to birth an electric marvel propelled by the revolutionary neutrinovoltaic technology. Beyond its mere ambition lies a transformative narrative, transcending the boundaries of conventional energy sources to embrace an era of boundless transportation possibilities.

Pi Car 项目是一项合作项目,汇集了 Simplior Technologies、SPEL Technologies 和 C-MET Pune 等实体科研机构和企业的专业知识,旨在诞生一个由中微子伏特(neutrinovoltaic)技术推动的电气奇迹。除了这一雄心壮志之外,它还有一个变革性的意义,它超越了传统化石能源的界限,迎接一个交通无限量能源提供的新时代。

Meanwhile, the Neutrino Power Cube emerges as a magnum opus of contemporary engineering prowess. Despite its modest dimensions, this marvel exudes an aura of relentless innovation, silently churning out energy with unparalleled efficiency. It embodies the quintessence of passive energy generation, fusing minimalistic design with a robust power yield of 5-6 kW. Meticulously crafted, the Power Cube’s architecture serves as a paean to the artistry of engineering, seamlessly integrating power generation modules within a compact frame, overseen by a vigilant supervisory system, thus culminating in an energy source that is not only spatially economical but also profoundly impactful.

与此同时,中微子能量立方体(the Neutrino Power Cube)成为当代工程能力的代表作。尽管规模不大,但这一奇迹散发出一种无情创新的光环,以无与伦比的效率默默地生产能量。它体现了被动能源发电的精髓,融合了极简主义设计和5-6千瓦的强劲发电量。中微子能量立方(the Neutrino Power Cube)的建筑精心制作,是对工程艺术的赞美,在一个紧凑的框架内无缝集成发电模块,并由一个高精度的系统进行监督,从而最终形成一种不仅在空间上经济,而且极具影响力的能源。

与此同时,中微子能量立方体(the Neutrino Power Cube)成为当代工程技术能力的杰作。尽管目前规模不大,但这一发电系统产品散发着不懈创新的气息,以高转化率不停的产生电力。它的外观设计简约大方, 5-6 千瓦/小时的强劲发电量,充分体现了被动发电系统的精髓。能量立方体的内部结构经过精心设计,是结构工程艺术的品,将发电模块无缝集成在一个紧凑的框架内,由一个高精度的系统监控各项工作指标,最终形成一种不仅节省空间而且影响深远的发电系统。

Charting the Course Towards a Connected Future(规划通往互联未来的道路)

The Neutrino 12742 project epitomizes the spirit of innovation and progress that defines the Neutrino Energy Group. By harnessing the remarkable properties of neutrinos, this initiative holds the promise of revolutionizing global communication, empowering individuals and communities to connect and collaborate on a scale never before imagined. As humanity navigates the complexities of the digital age, the Neutrino 12742 project stands as a beacon of hope and possibility, illuminating the path toward a more connected and informed world.




THE Neutrino Energy Group(中微子能源集团德国有限公司)中国唯一合作伙伴

Neutrino Energy Group (Asia) Technology Co., Ltd中微子能源集团(亚洲)技术有限公司 CTO 李强


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