
服务过很多关于公司需要到的各种工签,东马西马的ep PVP甚至socialpass,基本上到了后期都会想到要拥有自己马来西亚esd账户这个问题,但是这个是一个非常复杂的操作,非常具有专业性的知识点和经验值在里面,不是在这个领域摸爬滚打几年的人还是别去尝试了,大概率是浪费时间和金钱的。

那么小曹现在大概总结一下关于马来西亚esd账户需要到的哪些申请资料,各位需要我们代劳申请的,请先自查一下有没有准备好再叫小曹做咨询咯,如何就比较能节约你我双方的时间了,谢谢各位(ESD Registration Ckeck-list):

Below is a checklist of relevant documents required by the esd to support the company registration process. they msut be the latest version and may be provided in hardcopies or softcopies (PDF format less than 10MB per file)各位要自查一下自己的资料提供是否为最新版本的pdf格式文件,而且每个文件不能超过10MB这样的大小。

1、all as per SSM local directions IC in color (seperate PDF file for each director) SSM上的本地人股东IC扫描件pdf版本;

2、all as per SSM foreign directors full booklet passport including front and back page covers in color, and separate pdf for each director; SSM上的外国股东护照全扫描,包含纸皮页国徽页这些,然后每个股东的扫描要用单独的pdf文件;

3、company profiles比如涉及一些公司的简介以及支撑这些简介所需要的各种产品、场地、生产线、工地、机器等这些图片以及公司人员结构图展示等;

4、complete set of company telephone bill;

5、complete set of tenancy agreement with official stamps cert if rented property or S&P if own property;

6、SSM e-info;

7、Form 9 or section 17 DCTC by SSM MYDATA;

8、section 13 DCTC by SSM MYDATA;

9、section 14 DCTC by SSM MYDATA;

10、section 15 DCTC by SSM MYDATA;

11、complete Form 24 and/or section 78/51 DCTC by SSM MYDATA;

12、complete Form 49 and/or section 58/236(2) DCTC by SSM MYDATA;

13、Form 32A(stamped),if any tranfer of shares;

14、audited Financial report if applicable

15、four months Bank Statement;

16、Local authorities licenses-PBT pihak berkuasa tempatan(ie MBJB DBKL)当地的一些必要行政许可;

17、other business licenses or cert ie HALAL MOF MOE MITI等等

18、any other relevant supporting documents as may be requested by ESD from time to time.



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