

The lipsticks have always been a indespensible friend with women.And a lipstick plays the vital role in make-up. However, do you know how to make a better choice with lipsticks?

1按颜色 By Colors


If you are as white as paper, then I’m sure you can handle any lipstick colors. But if you have a yellowish skin, a burgundy or brick-red lipstick will refine your state of skin appearance. Be careful, when most of the famous brands produce pearly-lustre lipsticks suitable for white skins, which will make a yellowish skin looks plain. Besides, be cautious when choosing a orange-tune lipstick if your teeth are not shiningly white.

2按质地 By Texture购买唇膏时,我们常常在名称里看到这样的字眼:雾面matte、丝绒satin、润泽Lustre、珠光Frost等等、水润glaze。一般来说, “雾面”的唇膏一般质地较干,色彩饱和度较高,持久度好;“水润”一般是液体质地的唇彩,持久度较低。当然,现在唇膏的质地种类越来越多,有很多新型唇膏(比如“唇釉”类型的)可以做到显色度和持久度兼顾。在选择不同质地的唇膏时,我们首先要注意搭配粉底的质感——如果你涂着打造雾面复古妆的哑光粉底,那么选择雾面唇彩效果会更好,反之亦然;如果你的皮肤不好,毛孔比较粗大,甚至有浮粉等问题的话,谨慎选择液体唇彩或任何带光泽的唇膏,因为与亮亮的嘴唇相对比,你的肤质会显得更加粗糙。

We often see these words on lipsticks: matte, satin ,lustre,frost,glaze, etc. What do they mean? Generally, “matte” is a kind of dry texture with high saturation, and last long on lips; while “glaze” usually is a lip gloss with liquid texture and last shorter. However new types of lipstick have been created, which perform nice simultaneously on color, moisture condition and long-lasting. When choosing different types of lipstick, we should firstly match it with the foundation—if you are wearing a matte foundation with a retro effect, then a matte lipstick will add more to it. If your skin is under bad condition, that is to say, with obvious pores and marks, a shinny lip gloss will make the skin look even more rough. In that condition, use a matte or satin one instead.


If your lips are so dry that they become flaky, apply lip balm to them 5 minutes before you put on any lipsticks, or simply use a lips mask. But remember to wipe it off before putting on lipsticks, or the color may not spread nicely. Among all types of lipstick, the “satin”,”cream” ones are the most widely-adapted.

3按场合 By Occasions


A creamy lipstick can be suitable for nearly all occasions—work, business, date, parties…While a matte one is appropriate to formal situations. It can also be used in daily life if you are with the right color. Somehow, the shinny lip gloss is a symbol of youth and seduction,which is not a good choice in business occasions. And Remeber, you can only emphasis on your eyes or lips, but not at the same time.

1按外观 By Appearance唇膏只要实用就行了吗?当然外观越漂亮越好!对于女性来说,唇膏似乎已经被赋予了比自身更多的意义,它是魅力的象征,是个性的映射,也是贴心的伙伴。也就是说,女性挑选唇膏的标准远远不止其使用体验。不是话说回来,谁能不被这些美貌的唇膏所吸引呢?

Its practical use is the only factor we care when choosing a lipstick? Obviously not. For a lady, a lipstick is more than cosmetics---it is a symbol of charm, a reflection of personality, and an intimate friend. That is to say, the color and texture are no longer the only elements one would care when she is looking for a lipstick. Anyway, who won't love a these candies?

那些明明可以靠实力,却偏要靠外表的唇膏..The lipsticks with fasinating appearances..

Christian Louboutin


Clé de Peau Beauté



Now you've have the perfect choice for lipsticks. But how to apply them to get a better effect? Let's see togther the recommanded way of wearing lipsticks in the next session.


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