
We ignore the ones that adore us. Adore the ones who ignore us. Love the ones who hurt us, Hurt the ones that love us.我们总忽略崇拜我们的人,却崇拜忽略我们的人。我们总爱着伤害我们的人,却伤害着爱我们的人。

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant. 如果没有冬天,春天不会如此悦人

If the worst that can happen is someone saying, “no”, it’s worth a try. 如果一件事最糟糕的结果只是会被拒绝,那就应该去试试。

I feel so stupid when I text you and you never reply back. 每当我发短信给你你没回我,我就觉得自己特别蠢

Most people don't notice the things you do for them until you stop doing them.在你停止付出之前,大多数人不会注意到你为他们做的事情。

I‘m a strong girl who keeps her stuff in line, even when I have tears going down my face, I always manage to say those two words "I'm fine". 我是一个坚强的人,我让一切都井井有条,即使我脸上还挂着眼泪,我也可以说“我很好

Time for you to open your eyes and accept the reality and see... it's not that bad. 是时候睁开眼接受现实了,你会发现,其实事情也没那么糟糕

Your dream doesn't have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again. 梦想不会过期。深呼吸下,然后再试试吧

Sometimes, it's not the pain that makes you suffer, it's your own negative thought that makes things seem worse.有时候,让你难过的并不是痛苦本身,而是你自己的消极想法让事情看起来更糟

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. 如果一件事没有给你带来挑战,那它也不会给你带来什么改变

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