

Life is like drinking bitter coffee, not always bitter, but for a while!

也有人说生活像一支罂粟, 美丽却伤人……

Some people say that life is like a poppy, which is beautiful but harmful.


Actually, it doesn't really matter what life is, but how we treat it.


In real life, when you feel tired, and bored, you might as well seek a heart spring, to percept life and enjoy the spiritual purity and leisure.


Some people live in luxurious apartments but do not have their own homes. The more people pursue, the more they lose…

给自己的心灵寻找一个家, 让它安慰,生活才自在,平静。

Find a home for your soul to get comfort, and you will live a comfortable and peaceful life.


We often give up casually in life, because there are many more good things in the world, we have been desperately yearning and pursuing the beauty which hasn't been held.


We often sigh because the sunset is fleeting easily , and feel annoyed when the flowers fall after blooming, since we have realized that when we have, we may be losing, and that when we give up, we may reacquire again, but get busy at the same time.

其实自已真正所需要的, 往往要在经历多年后才会明白。

It will often take years to understand what we really need, in fact.

而对已经拥有的美好,人们又因为常常得而复失的经历, 而存在一份忐忑与担心……

Facing the good that we have already owned, we often have fear and worry because of the experiences of gains and loses...


There are always some unpleasant things in life, but all the difficulties are temporary.Try to find the breakthrough point to solve the problems, and laugh them off, then we will get more mature, closer to perfect, and stronger to hold up our own inner sky.

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