求索英语-048:执行紧急任务 Rush Jobs


  1. We have had a last-minute order in today. 我们今天在最后一刻接到了一份订单
  2. The deadline was May 15th. 截止日期是5月15日
  3. We are on a pretty tight schedule. 我们的时间很紧


  1. When are they due? 他们什么时候要
  2. What is the order? 订单内容是什么
  3. Have they been designed yet? 设计方案已经定下来了吗


  1. We will all need to drop whatever we are doing to work on this. 我们必须放下手头的工作来完成这项任务
  2. You may need to put in some extra hours. 你们可能要加班
  3. Come prepared to discuss it in detail. 准备好参与详细讨论
  4. We don't have much lead-time. 我们没有太多的前置期
  5. It will be finalized in a meeting this afternoon. 今天下午开会最后定稿
  6. We should be able to finish it just on time. 我们应该能够按时完工
  7. You can take time off in lieu. 你们可以休假作为替代


  • last-minute (adj.) 最后的;最后一刻;最后一分钟的;紧要关头的;
  • tight /taɪt/ (adj.) 紧的
  • due(adj.)到期的;预期的
  • due date:到期日;预产期
  • extra /'ekstrə/(adj.) 额外的;(n.) 临时演员
  • lead-time 前置期;交付周期
  • finalize /'faɪn(ə)laɪz/ (vt/vi) 完成;定案;定稿;最后敲定
  • take time off 休息;休假
  • in lieu /ljuː/ 补假;替代

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