



1、Ashley Land

Here’s what I think will happen after Trump leaves office. Let’s give him another four years and say he leaves office in 2024. He’ll leave, a Democratic administration will likely take over and I think Trump’s inner circle will back away from politics (you gotta figure 8 years of Trump is like 12 years of anyone else).


After which it won’t be long until Trump himself leaves the spotlight. As soon as he’s gone, you’ll see an explosion of new Michael Wolff types who just make up a bunch of stuff, put it into a book and with a now disbanded “Team Trump” there won’t be many people to say “umm that never happened”.


So I think the history books will be very unkind to Trump. I think a lot of people will be extremely willing to accept anti Trump lies if they sound correct. The specific accuracy is irrelevant as long as they confirm someone’s belief of Trump.


I think Trump, who whether you admit it or not is actually a middle of the road guy who entered office supporting gay marriage, supporting immigration reform, supporting many things that liberals used to pretend to support, will leave office and immediately become known as “America’s Hitler” even though it just isn’t true.


I think if I ever have kids, they’ll likely go to school and be taught about how Trump came this close to staging a coup because it says so in this Michael Avenatti book and since no one ever credibly refuted it, it must be true.


2、Dallas Mitchell

Well, speaking for myself, my contempt for Trump is not predicated on him simply being a Republican president. It is based on his personal qualities.


Simply put, Trump is a hateful person. He was before he took office, he has continued in office, and it seems almost certain that he will continue to be so after he is out of office.


In fact, having viewed clips of Trump in interviews when he was a young man, he wasn’t that bad then. He has clearly grown far worse as a person as he has aged.


There was his constant degrading comments about women—the “grab them by the pussy” tape where in he didn’t just say he sexually assaulted women, but he bragged about it, and apparently felt entitled to do so.


There’s his weird and unwholesome relationship with his daughter, and the comments that he would date her if she weren’t his daughter.


There was his walking in on the Miss Teen Universe pageant contestants in their f—king dressing room, many of them underage.


3、Alex Diaz

Will people suddenly stop hating Donald Trump when he leaves office?


Well, I can’t answer this for “many people.” I can’t even answer this for “liberals”. I can only answer for myself, even though I assume there are others who feel this way about Donald Trump.


To be honest with you, dear questioner, I’ve never been a fan of Donald Trump’s. Based on his long history of seeking public attention, his very public penchant for marrying attractive (if perhaps a bit plastic-looking) women, then ditching them after having widely-publicized affairs with other attractive (and plastic-looking) women.


and his less-than-stellar business history (Trump steaks, Trump vodka, Trump casinos, and worse yet, Trump University), I don’t see much to admire in the current President of the United States.


4、Grenade here

I suspect that Trump supporters will assume that I don’t like The Donald because:


He’s a Republican


He won the 2016 election while my candidate lost


He’s wealthy and I’m just jealous


I’m a liberal snowflake who won’t admit that he is making America great again


Wrong. On all counts.


"When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy." ~ Donald Trump

“当你成为明星的时候,他们会让你这么做。你可以做任何事。抓住她们的私处。” ---唐纳德.特朗普

I dislike Trump because he is a sleazy womanizer.



“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. I've been challenged by so many people, and I don't frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn't have time either.” —Donald Trump

我认为这个国家面临的最大问题是政治正确性。我已经受到了很多人的挑战,坦率地说,我没有时间完全的政治正确。说实话,这个国家也没有时间。” ---唐纳德.特朗普

I don’t like Trump because he encourages his supporters to be uncivil and ruthlessly insulting toward others.


And, then there’s his pathological insistence that the Central Park Five, four blacks and one Latino teens, are guilty of a crime they didn’t commit, even though the actual culprit confessed and DNA evidence cleared their names long ago.


6.Capt David

For me, I’ve loathed Trump long before he ran for President. I worked for one of the companies that he attempted to not pay for work he signed a contract to have done.


We did the job to perfection (we were a 60 year old company- considered the very best in our field). When Trump was asked to come settle up his bill, he threw down a check for 1/2 of what was owed per the contract.


When the GM asked about payment on the other half, Trump replied “that’s all you’re getting, the work was not satisfactory” (which was funny, as neither he nor any of his agents had seen any of it.)


The GM said we had a contract with him and we would sue him. He arrogantly replied “ I don't care. I have a team of lawyers to keep busy, knock yourself out”


From that incident onward I always saw him as a greedy, dishonest and untrustworthy person.


It had nothing to do with his politics at all- it was the fact that he was not a man of his word, which any true gentleman knows is the hallmark of being a good man.


7.Jeremy Krause

DT is a very deplorable person. I am baffled why people support him when there are other politicians who are not jerks but also espouse the same or similar conservative views (limit immigration, anti-abortion, anti-government regulation, anti-gay rights, pro-guns, etc).


Though I personally don’t agree with the conservative take on most of those issues, I am perfectly happy to accept that other reasonable and intelligent people can disagree with me. I don’t hate DT because he disagrees with me, I hate him because he is a selfish bully and a con-artist.


Once he leaves office, I will continue to dislike this man. However, when he is out of the diver’s seat I won’t be so concerned about the consequences of his actions and tweets.


8、Luis Valenzuela

My allegiances lie in the middle, more moderate conservative side of the spectrum so I don’t want to hear that I’m a snowflake or deplorable because I believe this.


Anyways, I personally hate people who lack proper rhetoric or grammar skills. This man lacks that.


I like selfless men who use their power to attempt to create a better world. This man looks out for himself and the few sext followers he has. The others that don’t fall into that sect can go screw themselves for all he cares.


9、The Spring of Moore

My answer to your question, then, is that of course no one is going to “suddenly stop hating Donald Trump when he leaves office.”


People will undoubtedly continue hating Donald Trump for millennia to come. I expect Trump will eventually become one of those political figures that historians just love to hate。


Why, 2,500 years from now, I expect some future historian living in a world we cannot even imagine will confidently declare Trump “a flagrant narcissist and uncontrollable sociopath” 。


10、Siddharth Paratkar

First off, I hear things over and over of why people dislike Donald Trump. The biggest reason is he is a Womanizer.


Let me give you some facts boys and girls that apparently your parents never set down and told you. Being a Womanizer is a pretty high level sex drive. If you want to blame someone for it, blame God. I think that when God set down to rest, he realized he created his most important design.


I think half the country will continue to hate Trump and the other half will admire him. Thank God we live in a country that respects ones right to think what we want to think.


11、Antony Chen

Not in New York. New Yorkers (and many New Jerseyans) hated his guts long before the Russians helped him get elected.


After decades of cheating contractors, suppliers, and tenants, anyone who has ever done business with him can’t stand him. One thing his supporters have right is that he’s an outsider. The elites in NYC hate him with equal zeal. There’s a great story about how the billionaire and millionaire club in NYC raised tons of money for charity.


To feel good about it, they had a party and awards dinner. Trump hadn’t donated a penny. Yet, not only does he show up, he has the nerve to get up on stage and act like it was all his idea.


He is not a charitable man. Every time he has said publicly he would donate money, it has taken an investigation by the press exposing the fact he didn’t give any away. Then last minute, he begrudgingly does it.


Then, you have the Trump Foundation which he used as an illegal tax shelter. This is a far cry from real billionaires like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett who are members of the Giving Pledge where they pledge to donate at LEAST half of their net worth.


So, for many, their distaste of him started well before and will likely last well past his presidency.


12.Jon Michael Sakamoto

To some extent. As long as he is in the White House he is a constant reminder to people who voted for Hillary that she didn’t win. When that is no longer the case, the pure hatred for his existence will wane….similar to what happened with Bush.


So if Trump is succeeded by another republican, dems will have a new target to hate. If he is succeeded by a democrat, they will be too busy in hero worship of the new president to worry about Trump!


13、Marcia Peterson Buckie

Trump is a liar of the highest order.Most politicians lie.Some more than others.


For the purposes of this answer, I am distinguising lying from being factually incorrect, ill-informed. ( Though Trump is also wrong or knowledge deficient quite often)


I am paraphrasing, but social scientists & psychologists who study liars have two basic categories of lies.


Self serving lies: help the person get what they want ( a job, admiration, praise, etc)


and kind lies— lies to protect someone’s feelings or ego. They also can be used to get what someone wants— by flattery or by not being forthcoming or authentic in one’s opinions or views.


In a study of Trump’s lies, 10 percent were kind lies. Approximately 40 percent were self serving lies.


The most stunning way Trump's lies differed from our participants', though, was in their cruelty. An astonishing 50 percent of Trump's lies were hurtful or disparaging.


14.Lin Jefferson

I’m Australian, so I don’t hate Trump. I don’t admire him. In fact I pity someone that delusional, immature and insecure. But hate - nope.


So, after he leaves office will my opinion of him suddenly change? Nope. His actions won’t have changed. The hate he incited will still be there. My opinion will be the same.


Up until Trump came into office I admired America. I have to admit to not knowing a lot of the reality of America - I assumed they were like Australia only better.


In so many ways. I always admired the sense of patriotism that Americans had. It seemed wonderful. I believed the rhetoric that America had the best medical care in the world. A natural implication was that America was a smart, forward thinking, proactive world leader.


However, Trump has shone a spotlight on America. And social media has allowed us to hear the opinions and thoughts of the average American.


We now realise that America might have some fantastic health care - it’s not available to all the people. Americans actually believe their fellow country men should die rather than be able to access this health care that they are so proud of. America, words fail me.


There is much hatred for those who are different - religion, skin colour, education level, income, abilities, language, culture - you name it a large and vocal proportion of the American public thinks that these are reasons to believe someone different to them is less. No words, America. None.


Now I know that patriotism is an awful thing. At least the way it is portrayed in America. It is an excuse for hatred and bigotry.My opinion of Trump will not change after he leaves office. Sadly, neither will my opinion of Americans.


显然,相较于其他美国网友将一切罪责都推卸给特朗普有所不同,澳大利亚网友“Lin Jefferson”则别具一格的选择从美国社会的角度出发,对特朗普的所作所为和如今美国的社会现状进行反思!



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