科普成果 | TED演讲解读中国系列之三 什么是中国梦?












1The second thing is middle class. 2And let me tell you what's the middle class. 3You see this building, there is a foundation, OK? 4There is a just normal or normal soil. 5But we can not live on that. 6And then we have the building. 7And in between is this foundation. 8Also roads, roads are three layers. 9The top layer is a nice layer to move. 10And then bottom is a bottom layer which is a very weak layer. 11And in between there is a middle layer. 12The middle layer is actually supporting the upper layer and protecting the lower layer. 13This is engineering. 14Also in societies, the stronger is the middle class, the stronger the society as a whole.15The society is not strong by rich people only. 16And of course they are not strong by poor people. 17So the middle class is actually represent the strength of a community, of a society.


l Middle class指“中产阶级”(The middle class or middle classes are the people in a society who are not working class or upper class. Business people, managers, doctors, lawyers, and teachers are usually regarded as middle class. )正如儒家所说的中庸之道,想来在社会上也是要大力发展中等收入人群的。

l Foundation指“基础;地基”(The foundations of a building or other structure are the layer of bricks or concrete below the ground that it is built on.)这里的foundation用作房屋建筑的“地基”这一具体含义,而通常我们在写作中也可以将其作为“基础”这一抽象意义进行运用,如例句:Best friends are the foundation of my life.良友们是我生活的基础。同义词有basis, groundwork, base, cornerstone等。

l In between指“在中间”(being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series),同义词in the middle of。

l Layer指“层,层次;膜”(If something such as a system or an idea has many layers, it has many different levels or parts. )同义词tier, degree, thickness等。

l Top layer, bottom layer分别指“上层”“中层”“底层”,与文本中 upper layer“上层”, lower layer“下层”可互换。

l The stronger is the middle class, the stronger the society as a whole.指“中等收入人群越强大,社会整体越强大。”The+比较级表示“越……”,如例句The more magazines you sell,the more money you will get.你卖的书越多,你得到的钱越多。

l Represent指“代表;表示;象征”(If a sign or symbol represents something, it is accepted as meaning that thing.)。同根词有很多,如adj. representative 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的representational 代表的;具象派的representable 能被代表的;能上演的;能被描绘的;n. representative 代表;典型;众议员representation 代表;表现;表示法;陈述。以及注意同义词辨析:denote, indicate, imply, mean, suggest, signify, represent这组词都有“表示……的意思”的意思,其区别是:denote 指某一词字面或狭义的意思,或指某些符号或迹象的特指含义。indicate 指明显的表示。imply 侧重用文字或符号表示的联想,暗示。mean 最普通用词。指文字或符号等所表示的各种明确的或含蓄的意义。suggest 通常指暗含地、隐晦地表达意思。signify 指用文字、说话或表情等表示单纯的意思。represent 指体现或代表。


My name is Essam Sharaf. I'm a professor in CairoUniversity and also former minister of transport and former prime minister of Egypt. Ihave a good relation with China. I’ve visited China maybe 15 times.


But let me try to go back when I was first introduced to China when I was minister of transport in 2005. I came to visit visit China and to be, do you know, actually I was expecting, just you know, poor people, you know, running with the blue jackets. And then when I came in 2005, I saw something different actually.


And when I came, when I went back to Egypt, I told my colleagues and my employees, this country is going to be real great. Because I saw that in the young people, I saw that in all even the government, the people I met. So I expected that China would be completely different than the image I thought before.


But the real point where I got to know China more when I came here when I was invited actually in 2014. And I uh, to give two talks. I remember one in April 2014 and one in October, I believe in 2014, the first one about six months or or a year after the Belt and Road Initiative was issued by president Xi. I gave a talk about the BRI, the Belt andRoad Initiative.


And the second talk, was about Chinese dream. Chinese dream.And I did a lot about Chinese dream and I looked at the comparison between Chinese dream and other dreams and as usually say I came to study actually what they see is a quiet number of young people and asked them which dream you expect to last. Is it American dream? European dream? Or Chinese dream?And the majority said Chinese dream.


So I started to think actually and the more I think and the more I hear,and the more I investigate, I found very close relation between Chinese dream and Belt and Road Initiative. Chinese dream was mentioned by president Xi, addressed before Belt and Road Initiative. And uh but there is a very close relation and I'm going to talk about that.


So Chinese dream is a core, actually I'm going to talk about but let me say that what what’s a dream. I have a model and actually apply to individuals, to groups, societies, countries and even international, the group I called ADW.Astands for assess means evaluate the present, evaluate the current situation. D is dream, nobody should satisfy the present, satisfy you. You you should have a dream,OK? And once you have a serious dream, a faithful dream, you go to W to work to fulfill it.


So that's what happened exactly that China looked at the uniquecapabilities and it was a dream and it worked to fulfill it, and it's still working for that.


So when I talk about Chinese dream, there is a lot of things. When I actually talk about what happened in the five years of the latelyin China, there’s a lot.Basically if I want to finish my speech in fifteen minutes, I’d say a lot. But let me say that concentrate on some of the basic issues that they feel actually this is uh, putting China in the right direction.


I’m an engineer. I can talk about buildings, tunnels and transportation. And it’s amazing, tunnels, roads, and bridges. But what I’m going to talk about is the strong internal, the strong internal. How, what happened? Two things is poverty eradication(消灭) and the middle class.


What happened in poverty eradication? I attended a lot of meetings about poverty eradication, but when I came in 2005, the percent of poverty or people under the poverty line was huge in 2000.Now, nowthere are less than 5% of the Chinese population under the poverty, actually 3% or 4% under the poverty line and they will be, theseabove the line by 2020.


The second thing is middle class. And let me tell you what's the middle class. You see this building, there is a foundation, OK? There is a just normal or normal soil. But we can not live on that. And then we have the building. And in betweenis this foundation. Also roads, roads are three layers. The top layer is a nice layer to move. And then bottom is abottom layerwhich isa very weak layer. And in between there is a middle layer. The middle layer is actually supporting the upper layer and protecting the lower layer.This is engineering.


Also in societies, the stronger is the middle class, the stronger the society as a whole. The society is not strong by rich people only. And of course they are not strong by poor people. So the middle class is actually represent the strength of a community, of a society.


And what happened what happened is under the prosperous society concept in the Chinese dream that's what happened is actually a strange thing the society through poverty eradication and uh strengthening the middle class middle class that urban population was 19% in 1980 now it's about more maybe than 60% and by 2030 will be approaching 80%.


I know there are problems as president said, it’s global problems. But I always believe that the strong inside is good for the inside and good for outside relation. This is a strong you cannot actually work at least you are strong inside, then you can deal with other people. OK. So that actually very brief description of the Chinese dream and the prosperous society and sustainable development.


Actually I selected these two issues of middle class and poverty eradication. The other side, as I told you, the Belt and Road Initiative. China is a great nation with deep civilization. And the responsibility of China is to spread outside.


So after being or being strong inside, how do we go out, because it’s a responsibility before anything else. So the Belt and, or BRI, just make it quickly, actually is a mechanism, is a concept before being a project. A concept that saying thatcertain amount ofpeople and the world to get together for prosperous society, for social justice, for the win win activities and so forth.


So what happened actually is through the BRI, what happened China carry the responsibility toward the world, because what's happening now under the current globalization is really were living under hostile(怀敌意的)globalization unfair you know that this current globalization does not believe in cultural diversity. They are domination.


So there should be a modification(修改)for this globalization. How do you do together. And as you know the Belt and Road Initiative when it was announced, until now there is about 69 countries, 69 countries that showed interest to participate. 69 countries, about 70% of the world's population and maybe 1/3 or more than 1/3 of the world economy.


So it is really about so what this power can do? They can do work together, share, not dominate, OK? And they apply actually reach the stage of globalization that is that's required by the humanity, because what's happened as I said, it's inhumane. So the Belt and Road Initiative, as I said, it's a concept aiming at spreading the the concept of civilizations because I'm talking because Egypt also is a country with a civilization.


And I understand that uh globalization that is based onmoral values. This is the same we can save humanity through that because now as I said, humanity is at a great risk to humanity as a whole. So we should work together for that.


Plus of course, the Belt and Road Initiative is part of global mechanisms. And as you know, if you have a globalization, you have to have what we call global governance. You have to have institutions and mechanisms to run these all. Currently the mechanisms and institutions are not fit enough toward the especially developing countries.


So what we need is another umbrella that we can work together and and apply a bit of global governance. And that's why the Belt and Road Initiative is not just projects it is it is part of a global change of global interactions, new interactions including global uh governments, including common development, including common security, including common trust between people, including a people to people dialogue, including also of course a better and advanced role for non government organization.


So the concept of the Chinese dream was gradually moved to the BRI movement. This is very very important. And that's why the world is changing. It will take time, but it's very important to have a new world because now as I said, we are suffering from a serious risk and you just just reading the news, you can feel that any time. The world can go to a bloody world immediately.


Finally, my advice to you, my advice to you, especially young people believe that you can do. You are living in a great nation, even if some problems there are some problems. But this is a great nation that you have to carry your responsibility. So dream and work for your dream. This is the only thing that you can do. And uh just help your government, your party just to fulfill their responsibilities inside and outside. And that’s end of my talk. Thank you very much.





负责人: 骆巧丽


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