干货预警 | 申请美本?手把手教你怎么选“专业”

从决定留学的那一刻起,孩子们就已经开始憧憬起自己在未来大学里的生活了。10年级的同学开始渐渐找到自己感兴趣的专业和方向,并开始制定School List。11年级的同学已经想好了自己想要申请的学校并计划访问心仪的学校。苦尽甘来的12年级同学抱着自己的offers纠结取舍。







https://www.mymajors.com/ (Major)

https://sojump.com/jq/14494829.aspx (Type of college)

https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test (Myers Briggs)




2、 孩子是比较明确自己专业方向的。那么在申请的时候是可以选一个比较明确的专业的。

3、 孩子不是一个 participant learner,也是比较典型的中国学生,喜欢老师讲,自己听就好,比较害怕被老师点名提问。但是如果真的是想比较高效学习,并通过留学锻炼自己的沟通能力以及团队合作能力的话,就应该找一些比较小型的学校来锻炼自己。如果想比较轻松的,可以选择大一些的学校。大班课也许孩子会更喜欢。

有些家长或学生会问:美国大学专业这么多,我们除了知道工程、数学、编程这些热门专业,别的也不清楚啊。那么您可以看一下以下的“专业列表”,其中罗列了300 多个专业,选择性远远超出我们的想象。

List of College Majors and Occupational Choice

source: http://www.act.org/content/act/en/research/reports/act-publications/college-choice-report-class-of-2013/college-majors-and-occupational-choices/college-majors-and-occupational-choices.html


1) I would like to star on Broadway or in Hollywood.

2) I would like to write a novel.

3) I would like to win the Intel or another national science recognition.

4) I would like to earn my first patent on something I invent.

5) I would like to create my own designer clothing label.

6) I would like to speak at an important political rally.

7) I would like to design an exhibit at a museum or theme park.

8) I would like to have my own comic strip or political cartoon published.

9) I would like to publish an article in a major daily newspaper.

10) I would like to have a musical debut at Carnegie Hall.

11) I would like to choreograph a ballet or compose a symphony.

12) I would like to make a movie and have a public screening

13) I would like to lead an environmental campaign.

14) I would like to train animals and enter then in a show.

15) I would like to win an Olympic medal in my favorite sport.

16) I would like to see all the countries on another continent.

17) I would like to make a major medical discovery.

18) I would like to rewrite the curriculum for a high school class.

19) I would like to take gourmet cooking classes and write a cookbook

20) I would like to paint a great work of art and have it exhibited.

21) I would like to run for office in an actual real-world election.

22) I would like to get my pilot’s license and fly a plane.

23) I would like to create a puppet theater and book my own tours.

24) I would like to become known as the nation’s top math student.

25) I would like to learn farming and become completely self-sufficient.

26) I would like to climb Mount Everest or Mount McKinley.

27) I would like to build a boat and learn how to sail it.

28) I would like to volunteer to help build trails in a national park.

29) I would like to conduct research for NASA.

30) I would like to become a self-made millionaire by the time I’m twenty.

31) I would like to immerse myself in a new language and culture.

32) I would like to sing in an opera or dance in a ballet.

33) I would like to landscape a great estate or park.

34) I would like to make a new astronomical discovery.

35)I would like to create a new method to teach younger children to red.

36) I would like to do an internship in a restoration or reenactment.

37) I would like to work with a scientist investigating time travel.

38) I would like to get EMT certification to help in emergencies.

39) I would like to swim with dolphins and go snorkeling or diving.

40) I would like to learn to ski or surf.

41) I would like to photograph people and have my photos exhibited.

42) I would like to write an opera or musical and have it performed.

43) I would like to design a new toy and try to market it nationally.

44) I would like to go on an archaeological dig.

45) I would like to start my own band and perform in competitions.

46) I would like t write poetry and give readings at a coffeehouse.

47) I would like to host a fund-raiser ball for cancer research.

48) I would like to arrange an ethnic music and arts celebration.

49) I would lie to become a chess or bridge champion.

50) I would like to host a news show about high school for local TV.


If you could be any of the following people – past or present – who would you be?

1) Madonna

2) President of the United States

3) Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird.

4) John Stewart (comedian)

5) Robert Redford

6) Oprah Winfrey

7) Agent Jack Bauer

8) Editor of the New York Ties

9) Bill Gates

10) Dona ld Trump

11) Marin Luther King or Mother Teresa

12) I.M. Pei (architect ) or Picasso

13) Olympic athlete

14) Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein

15) Hillary Clinton

16) John Williams (composer)

17) Jane Goodall

18) Steven Spielberg

19) Walt Disney

20) Jonas Salk (polio vaccine inventor)

Others: ____________

Source:What High Schools Don't Tell You by Elizabeth Wissner – Gross

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