【双语听读】Zhengzhou's economy shows good momentum 郑州“半年红”成绩单

704th article 704期双语推文

NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

On August 26th, the 27th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Zhengzhou Municipal People's Congress voted to adopt a report on the implementation of the national economic and social development plan in the first half of 2021. According to the report, Zhengzhou's economy recovered significantly and showed good momentum in its development. The city spent 59.88 billion yuan on people's livelihood.


Zhengzhou remained the pacemaker in imports, exports and growth in the central region in the first half of this year


Despite the complex and severe economic situation this year, Zhengzhou's economy got off to a good start and recovered significantly. Zhengzhou planned to invest 2.75 trillion yuan to start 2,075 major projects, with priority given to "new infrastructure, new urbanization initiatives, and major projects, including traffic and water conservancy," as well as shoring up existing weak areas. The city also launched 33 start-up activities in three stages and a total of 400 major projects worth more than 100 million yuan. Market consumption vitality continued to increase. The government issued 30 million yuan worth of consumer vouchers, 17.9592 million yuan of which were redeemed, boosting consumption by 242 million yuan. Imports and exports grew as well. The city's total value of foreign trade hit 257.69 billion yuan in the first half of this year, continuing to lead the central region in imports and exports and growth. The campaign of "10,000 people helping 10,000 enterprises" continued in full swing. A database of more than 12,000 enterprises at the city and county level was established, and a database of more than 1,300 municipal problems was compiled.


Photo: Li Xinhua

Efforts were made to promote technological innovation across the board, sustaining the growth impetus and promoting the expansion of economic capacity. These efforts to strengthen the innovation platforms resulted in a total of 1,434 new technology-based enterprises set up in two batches and 5,267 national technology-based SMEs registered with the province, accounting for 51.2% of all enterprises registered with Henan.


Transformation and upgrading accelerated, and the comprehensive support capacity of industries was continuously enhanced. Agricultural production was also increased steadily. The city planted 2,045,000 mu (1mu=0.066ha.) of wheat, with a total yield of 709,000 tons, as well as 3,089,000 mu of autumn crops. In addition, secondary industries grew rapidly. The added value of all industrial enterprises with annual income of 20 million yuan or more grew by 19.8%, ranking first in the province. Services also steadily recovered. By the end of June, the balance of deposits and loans in the city had increased by 6% and 11.8% respectively over the same period the previous year. Two more companies went public, bringing the number of local companies listed at home and abroad to 51. Cultural tourism enjoyed a marked recovery, with the city receiving 64,975,000 tourists and achieving a total tourism revenue of 81.9 billion yuan. The digital economy flourished. The city launched a program to train big data professionals, taking the lead in building a hub for professionals in the big data industry. The total number of 5G-capable base stations reached 20,000. Eight thousand new enterprises accessed cloud services and another 1,000 enterprises were matched with each other to synergize their industrial, capital, and supply chain needs.


Photo: Xu Zongfu

Driven by a dual circulation pattern, Zhengzhou steadily increased the vigour of its development. The four Silk Roads continued to develop in tandem, 98% of the 256 pilot reform and innovation tasks in the free trade zone were completed, 14 institutional innovations were made, and the "2 + 9" port services system continued to improve. The city also provided a better business environment, so that 39 services could be accessed without the need for multiple visits, and another 149 services could be processed on mobile phones. Further progress was made in the reform of the "1+X" business registration system, under which over 90,000 transactions had been handled. Real estate registration was changed so that it could be processed through a single online portal.


Construction of all 65 dead end streets began


According to the report, Zhengzhou focused on a comprehensive renovation of urban roads, old residential areas, and rural-urban fringes, as well as improving urban governance. New changes were taken place in both urban and rural areas.


The urban traffic network of Zhengzhou continued to develop. Progress was made in comprehensively renovating the ring road, the ten east-west roads and the ten north-south roads, and the 4th Ring Expressway and Dahe Road Rapid Engineering Project (elevated expressway and ground-level expressway) were both completed and opened to traffic. Construction on all 65 dead end streets began, 12 of which were already accessible. Steady progress was made in the construction of eight rail transit lines, including Phase II of Line 3 and Phase I of Line 6.


Photo: Ma Jian

Steady progress was made in the construction of municipal infrastructure. The city added 31,903 public parking spaces, a total of 5.7 kilometers of new pipelines were laid to transmit heat from the west to the east, and about 53 kilometers of gas pipelines were built or upgraded. A total of 19.286 billion yuan was invested in 438 projects to improve infrastructure and public service facilities in more than 100 county-level cities. The city's appearance was further enhanced, with 32 core sectors making steady progress and 86 major functional projects under construction. Steady progress was also made in renovating old residential areas. All 361 projects subsidized by the central government were started, 127 of which were essentially completed, with 131 elevators installed.


The city's ecological environment continued to improve. The city built 90.7 kilometers of ecological corridors with a total area of 5,388,000 square meters. In the first half of this year, 136 parks and gardens were built, Xiliu Lake Park was completed and opened, and the north zone of the Youth Park was essentially completed. The greening of 81 roads was completed and another 72 roads were under construction. The walls and fences of parks were demolished at a quicker pace, and 13,410,000 square meters of new green space were built. Afforestation was carried out in an area of 34,000 hectares, and the city moved faster to construct key projects such as forest and wetland parks.


Photo: Xu Zongfu

The rural revitalization strategy progressed. The planning of 50 quality villages was completed to high standards, and the rural living environment continued to improve. The city made solid progress in a system of dynamic monitoring and assistance to prevent rural residents from falling into poverty. A total of 189 million yuan was allocated from central and provincial-level fiscal funds to promote rural revitalization, and 300 million yuan was allocated from municipal-level fiscal funds to consolidate and expand achievements in poverty alleviation.


Zhengzhou spent 59.88 billion yuan on people's livelihood


Steady progress was made in projects related to the livelihood of people in Zhengzhou. In the first half of this year, the city spent 59.88 billion yuan on people's standard of living, accounting for 75.6% of the general public budget expenditure. 3.08 billion yuan was spent implementing 26 well-being projects, including projects to improve people's living conditions and make urban dead-end streets accessible. Of the 26 projects, 4 were completed and 9 were progressing rapidly.


Social programs also developed vigorously. In education, 31 state-run kindergartens were opened for use, and another 23 were under renovation; construction started on 15 primary and secondary schools in urban areas, the main buildings of another 29 primary and secondary schools were completed; locations were determined for 20 relocated and newly built high schools in urban areas. Lunch and after-school services were available in both urban and rural areas. In health care, the medical and health system was further reformed, the city's medical groups were expanded and improved, and the pace of construction for the Children's National Medical Center was increased. Seven municipal hospitals, including the Zhengzhou People's Hospital, were incorporated into provincial and regional medical centers. Twenty-eight government-led community health centers were established, and community-level medical services continued to improve. In terms of old-age care services, the city added more than 1,600 beds for the elderly, and granted 133 million yuan for senior citizens aged 80 and above.


Social security was enhanced. In the first half of the year, 296 million yuan of social assistance funds were provided to 142,000 people with special difficulties. There were 12,756,000 social insurance participants in the city, and the combined revenue of the social insurance funds was 13.72 billion yuan while expenditures totalled 14.94 billion yuan. The city continued to stabilize and secure employment by organizing 204 recruitment activities such as "Spring Breeze Action" and issuing 244 million yuan of secured loans for use by start-ups. A total of 92,000 urban jobs were created, 30,000 rural workers were transferred to new jobs, and the registered unemployment rate fell to 2.3%. Construction began on 11,208 housing units in run-down areas for a target completion rate of 74.7%, 48,277 units were essentially completed, exceeding targets by 20.7%, and 85,000 people (representing 85.1% of the total) were relocated. Funds were raised to build 3,000 rental units, and a total of 14 specialized large-scale rental housing enterprises with more than 1,000 houses were developed. Four hundred and eighty million yuan was allocated from municipal fiscal funds to subsidize first-time home purchases for talented young people.


In the second half of the year, we will do our best in flood prevention, disaster relief and the fight against the epidemic


The report said that in the second half of the year, Zhengzhou will do its best to prevent flooding, provide relief, and fight the epidemic. It will coordinate high-quality economic and social development, and strive to break new ground in the modernization of Zhengzhou as a national central city.


Photo: Ma Jian

More efforts will be made to promote post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, to repair damaged urban and rural transportation, water supply, environmental protection, and other municipal facilities, and to construct additional flood prevention and disaster relief facilities for urban rail transit. We will strengthen epidemic prevention and control, improve the medical treatment network for major epidemics, and strive to have all eight county-level CDC centers meet the standards by the end of the year.


We will further integrate urban and rural areas, promote ecological development, and complete the greening of 200 parks and gardens, 14 ecological corridors and 130 roads.


Photo: Li Xinhua

We will ensure that all major strategies are enacted. Zhengzhou will strive to build itself into a landmark of history and culture along the Yellow River and into a culturally rich city with the distinctive features of the Yellow River basin. We will build a metropolitan area that leads the high-quality development of the central and western regions, and speed up the construction of projects such as the Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Expressway.


We will steadily develop social programs and ensure that 60 public kindergartens will be put into service this year. We will plan to build, renovate or expand 20 primary and secondary schools, open 30 primary and secondary schools for use, and speed up the relocation of the 9+1 senior high schools in urban areas. We will steadily push forward with the Healthy Zhengzhou campaign, and move faster to construct the South Zone of Zhengzhou Children's Hospital, standardize community-level medical institutions, and revitalize and develop traditional Chinese medicine.


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