No Matter What, Smile Everyday 每天都要记得微笑啊

Everyone wants to be happy. However, most of us miss our smile most of the time.

After all, it is a busy life. We are all busy running after achievements. We have priority tasks one after the other.

Do you think it is difficult to smile? Let us test. What is your favourite place to visit? When do you feel that you are the happiest person on this earth?

Close your eyes and think about that beautiful place or moment for a while. I can see that you are smiling.

Like every other task in our daily life, we need to schedule time for smile as well. No matter what, there should be a smile on your face for most of the time. It is the sign that you are living your life happily. A person with a smile on his face attracts more happiness toward him.

Most of us think that they would be happy when they achieve something. Do you remember when the last time you had such an achievement? Did your happiness last forever after that? No. It lasts only for a few days and you start running after the other thing to be happier.

In fact, it is around you. Do you notice nature along with your journey to the office? Look at the flowers and trees. They have amazing vibrations to make us happy if we realize. Look at the sky. It is so wonderful. Look at the people around you. They are all waiting for a smile from the stranger. Give them yours.

Use your smile to change the situations, but do not let situations change your smile. You know many problems turn their way if they see the person smiling, so keep smiling. You know you look beautiful when smile.









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