
最近男足风波不断,所以今天又来蹭个热点,做一期有关Chinese men’s soccor.





As Korean-American, watching Vietnam beating China was more exciting than Korea vs Germany in 2018. And the fact that Vietnam did it as the first recorded win from SEA country in 3rd round of FIFA World Cup Qualifiers on a Lunar New Years Day, is historic. Not only that, Vietnam beat China without needing to park the bus. They actually attacked constantly and won. Also watching China fail miserably despite spending over a billion dollars in their Chinese Super League while even naturalizing foreign players but still failing is epic. I'm not Vietnamese and I feel so happy for Vietnam beating China. I can't imagine how excited Vietnamese people will be over this victory.

一中国人跟帖:I am Chinese and loved my Motherland till death. But our men's team is fucking dogshit straight on the ground.

路人甲跟帖:You made Chinese people Salty lol always losers unless Chinese judges cheating at the Olympics

路人乙跟帖:Whole asian countries are happy to see someone beating China.

路人丙跟帖:china is cutting down on their wumaos as they are rapidly losing money, what they gonna do anyway? send spam emails? lol



1、energetic and determined 有活力和坚定的

2、park the bus (足球比赛中)球队放弃进攻,所有球员都在自己半场后方参加防守

England tied 2–2 with Germany in the first round. The guest team parked the bus when there were two minutes left. 在第一轮比赛中英格兰队与德国队以2:2打成平局。客队最后两分钟放弃进攻。



What the hell is wrong with you? You are so salty today!你今天吃错药了?火气这么大。


Why are you saying like that? You are so salty.你为什么那样说话啊?嘴巴也太毒了吧。

4、hard work has paid off and you have earned my respect.付出终有回报,努力赢得尊重



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