懿说学区(1) | SPSS统计分析(10)多重响应分析

懿说学区(1) | SPSS统计分析(10)多重响应分析

Yishuo school district (1) | SPSS statistical analysis (10) multiple response analysis




懿说学区(1) | SPSS统计分析(10)多重响应分析

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Yishuo school district (1) | SPSS statistical analysis (10) multiple response analysis


Hello, everyone. This is Xiaobian. From today on, SPSS series tweets will be updated in Yishuo school district series. Welcome to continue to visit the school. We will wholeheartedly bring you more and better content sharing.



In the last issue, we talked about how SPSS solves the cross table analysis. In this issue, we opened a new series and talked about SPSS multiple response analysis.


First of all, we might as well take a look at some of the questionnaire surveys we come across in our daily life. Some questionnaire questions have multiple options and allow multiple choices. In fact, multi-choice questions are common in questionnaire surveys, which brings about a problem, that is, how to analyze the questionnaire data of these multiple options.


Multiple response analysis (MRA) is an analysis method for multi option problems, which is also called multi option analysis. Generally speaking, multi-choice questions require that the answers are sequence number variables or nominal variables, and multiple answers are allowed to be selected. We know that the value of each variable in SPSS can only save one value, and we cannot handle multiple answers in multi-choice questions.


The so-called multiple response analysis is to decompose a multi-option problem into several questions, set several SPSS identifiable variables correspondingly, and store several possible answers to these questions. Thus, it can be transformed into the analysis of multiple SPSS variables.


1. 多选项二分法


2. 多选项分类法


There are usually two methods for decomposition of multi option problems:

one Multi option dichotomy

The multi-choice dichotomy is similar to the 0-1 distribution in mathematics. Each answer to the multi-choice question is regarded as a new variable, and each variable only takes 0 or 1, which means that the answer is selected or not selected respectively.

two Multi option taxonomy

The basic idea is to estimate the maximum number of possible answers to the multi-choice question, and then define an SPSS variable value for each answer. The variable value is the optional answer in the multi-choice question.


Similarly, let's learn how to perform multiple response analysis through a case:

(1) 首先,第一步是要先分解多选项问题,定义多选项的变量集。


(1) First, the first step is to decompose the multi option problem and define the variable set of multi options.

The case selected here is about the types of digital products owned by consumers. We decompose this problem according to the dichotomy, and then define the relevant multiple response sets in SPSS.

(2) 第二步,进行多重响应交叉分组下的交叉表分析:


(2) Step 2: perform cross table analysis under cross grouping of multiple responses:

Add the multi option set to the row and column vectors of the crosstab.

(3) 第三步,输出主要结果并加以分析:


(3) Step 3: output and analyze the main results:

In this case, the output of the multiple response analysis is the case summary and the cross table analysis result table. From the results, the number of men owning digital products is higher than that of women, and the number of MP3 players is the largest among all kinds of digital products.


That's all for today's sharing. If you have unique ideas about today's article, please leave us a message. Let's meet tomorrow. I wish you a happy day today!

That's all for today's sharing. If you have unique ideas about today's article, please leave us a message. Let's meet tomorrow. I wish you a happy day today!

参考资料:百度百科、《SPSS 23统计分析实用教程》



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