如何更快学会一门外语 How to learn a foreign language more quickly


Hi everyone, and welcome to the 5-minute language YouTube channel.

大家好,欢迎收看《五分钟语言》 YouTube 频道。

My name is Agnieszka.


And today I want to talk to you about different things you can do if you want to learn a foreign language more quickly.


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Alright then, let's talk about the three things you can do to speed up your language learning.


So normally the advice I would give language learner is that they should focus on developing and practicing different skills including reading, writing, speaking, listening, and vocabulary.


But if you're trying to learn a language very quickly, you can change your approach a little bit and focus more on vocabulary.


So normally I would recommend that you spend on average 40% of your time on learning new vocabulary and 60% of your time on other activities such as reading, writing or listening.

那么通常我会建议你平均花 40% 的时间学习新词汇,60% 的时间用于其他方面的学习,如阅读、写作或听力。

But if you're trying to learn a language very quickly, I would suggest that you change that ratio to 70 to 30, so 70% of your time should go on vocabulary acquisition and 30% of your time on other activities.

但如果你想快速学习一门语言,我建议你把这个比例改为 70 比 30,所以你应该花 70% 的时间用于词汇学习,30% 的时间用于其他方面的学习。

This is something that will help you expand your vocabulary very quickly and therefore, it will lead you to being more confident and being able to have conversations more quickly.


Obviously, if you use this technique you might be neglecting other areas of language learning such as speaking or listening.


But learning a lot of vocabulary in a short space of time will really help you make progress very quickly.


The second tip I want to give you in this video is that you should focus on memorization.


And obviously, memorization is part of the standard language learning process, if you're learning new words you need to memorize them.


But if you're trying to learn a language very quickly then memorization is going to be particularly important.


What I like to do is I like to create a vocabulary notebook which is separate to my normal language notebook.


I'm probably going to make a video about how I organize my language learning notebook and my vocabulary notebook so if you'd like to see that, make sure you leave me a comment below.


But coming back to the vocabulary learning notebook, this should be something that's separate from your language learning notebook if you're focusing on learning a language very quickly.


So create a notebook in which you literally just list the word that you're learning.


And what I like to do is I like to use different colors so I get highlighters.


And I highlight the words that I've memorized in different colors depending on how familiar I am with each and individual word.


So for example, if I'm only just starting out, I write down the list and then after a day, I'd highlight the word that I am pretty familiar with in one color for example yellow.


And then I will go back after another day and I will go through the list again.


And if I feel more familiar with some of those words, I will then highlight them in a different color so for example in green.


So then I will have some yellow words, some green words, and then some words which I'm not highlighted because I'm not familiar with them yet.


Then I do the third step which is come back to the words the following day and then highlight them in a third color which for example could be blue.


And once a word is blue, I then move it onto another page so that I can forget about it for a week or so and focus on the word, that's which I'm less familiar with.


And then I can go back to the blue words again so the ones I'm really confident using after a week or so.


And then I keep repeating that process until I've memorized the words.


So this is my kind of version of spaced repetition which is very basic and it relies on very basic memorization or learning by rote.


It's something that works for me personally.


Try it if it works for you then let me know in the comments below.


And the third tip I want to give you for learning a language quickly is to get one single reading resource.


So it can be a book, it can be a novel, it can be a short story, or a newspaper article.


It can be anything but make sure that you stick to that one resource.


You're going to be using this resource for a long time.


So if you're trying to learn a language very quickly during the space of one month, for example, keep referring back to the same resource.


So you can read it, you can identify words that you don't know in that piece of writing.


And you can learn the phrases that these words go in, you can practice the sentences, you can read them out loud but make sure you stick to that one reading resource.


And the reason I'm asking you to do that is because it helps you with continuity.


And because you're reading the same message which is part of the same story, it will make sense in your head.


So rather than jumping from a blog to a newspaper article to a news story, you're sticking to the same narrative and it will help you become more familiar with the language it's using that consistently throughout the piece that you're reading.


So these are the three tips.


Make sure you subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed this video.


I will be making similar videos in the future so make sure you don't miss out.


And let me know in the comments below about your own experiences of learning languages quickly.


So this is it, I'll see you next time.




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