AI绘画工具 Midjourney 的 Discord Bot 快速开始指南中英对照

Quick Start 快速开始

Use the Midjourney bot to generate stunning images from simple text prompts in seconds. Work directly in Discord. No specialized hardware or software is required. 使用Midjourney 机器人,仅需几秒钟,就能根据简单的文本提示生成令人惊叹的图片。您可以直接在 Discord 中操作,无需专门的硬件或软件。

Code of Conduct 行为准则

Don't be a jerk. 别做个混蛋。
Don't use our tools to make images that could inflame, upset, or cause drama. That includes gore and adult content.
Be respectful to other people and the team.

Making Images with Midjourney 使用Midjourney制作图片

1. Log In To Discord 登录Discord

Access the Midjourney Bot through Discord via web browser, mobile app, or desktop app. Ensure you have a verified Discord account before joining the Midjourney Discord server.
通过网络浏览器、移动应用或桌面应用访问 Discord 的 Midjourney Bot。在加入Midjourney的 Discord 服务器之前,请确保你有一个已经经过验证的 Discord 账户。

Follow Discord's official guides to create or verify your Discord account
请按照 Discord 官方的指南创建或验证您的Discord账户

2. Subscribe to a Midjourney 订阅Midjourney计划

To start generating images with Midjourney, you'll need to subscribe to a plan.

  • Visit
  • Sign in using your verified Discord account.
    请使用您的已验证的 Discord 账户登录。
  • Choose a subscription plan that suits your needs.

Go to Subscription Plans for information on pricing and the features available with each tier.

3.  Join the Midjourney Server on Discord 加入 Discord 上的 Midjourney 服务器

To start interacting with the Midjourney Bot, join the Midjourney Server
要开始与 Midjourney 的 Discord Bot 互动,请加入Midjourney 的专属 Discord 服务器。

  • Open Discord and locate the server list on the left-hand sidebar.
    打开 Discord 并在左侧边栏找到服务器列表。
  • Press the + button at the bottom of the server list.
    请按下服务器列表底部的 + 按钮。
  • In the pop-up window, click the Join a Server button.
    在弹出窗口中,点击 Join a Server 按钮。
  • Paste or type the following URL:, and press Join.
    请粘贴或输入以下网址:,然后按 Join

For additional information, Learn more about Discord servers.
如需更多信息,去 Discord 官方帮助网页了解更多关于 Discord 服务器的内容。

4. Go to any #General or #Newbie Channel. 请前往任何 #通用 或 #新手 为名字开头的频道浏览内容,生成图片,或者交流

After joining the Midjourney server on Discord, you'll see several channels listed in the sidebar.

On the Midjourney Server 在Midjourney服务器上

Locate and select any channel labeled general-# or newbie-#. These channels are designed for beginners to start using the Midjourney bot. The Midjourney Bot will not generate images in other channels.
请找到并选择任何标以 general-#newbie-# 开头的频道。这些频道是为初学者设计以开始使用 Midjourney 机器人的。Midjourney 机器人目前不在其他频道支持生成图片操作。

On Other Servers 在其他服务器上

You can generate images with the Midjourney Bot on any Discord server that has invited the Midjourney Bot. Look for instructions on your server on where to use the Bot.
您也可以在其他任何已邀请 Midjourney Bot 的 Discord 服务器上生成图片。请在您进入的 Discord 服务器上查找如何使用该第三方 Bot 的指南。

5. Use the /imagine Command 使用 /imagine 命令

About Discord Commands 关于Discord指令
Interact with the Midjourney Bot on Discord using a Command. Commands are used to create images, change default settings, monitor user info, and perform other helpful tasks. The /imagine command generates a unique image from a short text description (known as a Prompt).
请在 Discord 上通过命令与 Midjourney Bot 进行交互,Midjourney 在 Discord 上使用命令创建图像,更改默认设置,监控用户信息,以及执行其他有用的任务。 /imagine 命令可以根据简短的文本描述(称为提示)生成独特的图像。

How to Use /imagine 如何使用 /imagine

  • Type '/imagine prompt:' in the message field. You can also select the /imagine command from the list of available slash commands that pop up when you type '/'.
    请在消息栏中输入 '/imagine prompt:'。您也可以从输入 '/' 时弹出的可用命令列表中选择 /imagine 命令。
  • Type a description of the image you want to create in the prompt field.
    请在 prompt 字段中输入您想要创建的图像的描述。
  • Send your message. The Bot will interpret your text prompt and begin generating the images.
  • Respect the Community Guidelines. Community guidelines apply wherever the Midjourney Bot is used.
    请遵守社区准则。无论在何处使用Midjourney Bot,社区准则都适用。

6. Accept the Terms Of Service 接受服务条款

Before generating any images, the Midjourney Bot will prompt you to accept the Terms Of Service. You must agree to these terms to proceed with image creation.
在生成图片或进行其他交谈之前,Midjourney Bot 会提示您接受服务条款。您必须同意这些条款才能在 Midjourney 的 Discord 服务器中和 Bot 交互以创建图片。

7. Image Generation Process 图像生成过程

After submitting a text prompt, the Midjourney Bot processes your request, creating four unique image options within a minute. This process utilizes advanced Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), and each image generation counts towards the GPU time included with your Midjourney subscription. To monitor your available GPU time (Fast Time Remaining), use the /info command.
在提交文本提示后,Midjourney Bot 会处理您的请求,在一分钟内创建四个独特的图像选项。此过程利用先进的图形处理单元(GPUs),每个图像生成都计入您的 Midjourney 订阅中包含的GPU时间。要了解您可用的GPU时间(剩余"快速处理时间"),请使用 /info 命令。

8. Upscale or Create Variations 提升档次或创建变体

Once your initial image grid has been generated, two rows of buttons become available underneath your image grid.

U1 U2 U3 U4 Image Selection and Upscale
U1 U2 U3 U4 图片选择和放大

In earlier versions of Midjourney, the U buttons were used for upscaling images. With the latest model, images are automatically generated at their maximum size. Now, the 'U' buttons help you single out your chosen image from the grid, making it easier to download and giving you access to additional editing and generation tools.
在 Midjourney 的早期版本中, U 按钮被用于放大图像。但在最新的模型中,图像会自动以最大尺寸生成。现在,'U'按钮帮助您从网格中挑选出您选择的图像,使下载更加方便,并为您选中的图片提供额外的编辑和生成工具的使用。

Re-run or Re-roll a Job

The button re-runs a Job. In this case, it would re-run the original prompt, producing a new grid of images.

V1 V2 V3 V4 Image Variation
V1 V2 V3 V4 图像变化

The V buttons are used to create variations of the selected image. Each button generates a new image grid that maintains the general style and composition of the selected image.
V 按钮用于创建所选图像的各种变体,1/2/3/4分别对应上面的四张图片。每个按钮都会生成一个新的图像网格,保持所选图像的一般风格和构图大概。

9. Enhance or Modify Your Image 提升或修改您的形象

After singling out an image, an expanded set of options becomes available.

Vary (Strong) Vary (Subtle)

Create a strong or subtle variation of your selected image, generating a new grid of four options.

Zoom Out 2x Zoom Out 1.5x Custom Zoom

Zoom Out of your image, extending the canvas its original boundaries without changing the content of the original image. The newly expanded canvas will be filled-in using guidance from the prompt and the original image.

⬅️ ➡️ ⬆️ ⬇️

The Pan buttons allow you to expand the canvas of an image in a chosen direction without changing the content of the original image. The newly expanded canvas will be filled in using guidance from the prompt and the original image.

❤️ Favorite

Tag your best images to easily find them on the Midjourney website.

Web ↗️

Open the image in your gallery on
你可以在 的画廊中浏览和转存你账户下已经生成的图片。图片生成后出现在官网的画廊中有一个延迟。

10. Save Your Image 保存您的图片

Click on the image to open it to full size, and then right-click and choose Save image. On mobile, long-tap the image and then tap the download icon in the top right corner.
请点击图片以打开全尺寸版本,然后右键点击并选择 Save image 。在手机上的话,长按图片,然后点击右上角的下载图标。

All images are available to view on
你账户下生成的所有图片都可以在 上查看。

Next Steps 下一步

Direct Messaging the Midjourney Bot
直接向 Midjourney 机器人发送消息

Are you having difficulty finding yourself while working with other users on the Midjourney server? You can interact with the Midjourney Bot one-on-one in a direct message. Images created within your direct messages are still subject to content and moderation rules and are visible on the Midjourney website.
您在与 Midjourney 服务器上的其他用户一起操作时是否遇感觉困难,因为交互页面不断的有新的消息刷新显示?那么,您也可以直接与 Midjourney 机器人进行一对一的消息交流。在您与 Midjourney 机器人的私信消息中创建的图片仍然受到内容和审查规则的约束,并且可以在 Midjourney 网站上看到。

Learn More About Prompts 了解更多关于提示的信息
Learn how to write effective and creative prompts,
Explore how descriptions of artistic mediums, locations, and time periods change an image.

Blend Your Own Images

Learn how to upload and blend your own images using the /blend command.
学习如何使用 /blend 命令上传并混合您自己的图片。

Midjourney Bot Assistance "中途旅程"机器人助手

Need help or have questions? Try these commands:
需要帮助或有问题吗? 试试这些指令:
/help Displays useful information and tips about the Midjourney Bot.
/help 显示有关 Midjourney Bot 的有用信息和提示。
/ask Provides answers to questions about the Midjourney Bot.
/ask 提供关于 Midjourney Bot 的问题的答案。

You can also visit the #member-support channel on the Midjourney Discord for additional assistance.
您也可以访问Midjourney Discord上的#会员支持频道以获取额外的帮助。

Billing and Subscription Queries 账单和订阅问题

For billing and subscription questions, please visit
如有任何关于账单和订阅的问题,请访问,你也可以直接前往 查看和管理你的付费订阅计划。

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