


Jasur Mavlyanov, lives in China (2012-present)居住在中国(2012年至今)

After living in China since 2012, here are my reasons why I like it so much:


1. Safety. I have lived in a few other countries, and visited 16 countries as a tourist so far. Comparatively, from a safety perspective, China tops the list. Here, especially in Shanghai, you don't worry about safety at all. Be it midnight, or even 2–4 am in the morning, if you feel like going out, it's pretty much safe to just walk outside without any worries.


2. Friendly people. I haven't experienced any racism towards foreigners here. What most foreigners mistake as "racism" in China, is actually a misunderstanding - 99% of the time - because of cultural differences and language, and another 1% of the time is because of the foreigners' fault - most of the people come here with their "foreign" attitude, and start demanding stuff, do not respect the local culture, disrespect the Chinese and etc. For those type of foreigners, maybe life is hard here.


3. Technology. Again, I've been to many countries, and China is definitely one of the most technologically developed countries. I can go cashless months here. In fact, I don't carry cash at all nowadays. Everything is possible through apps.


4. Food. Chinese cuisine is diverse and it's simply awesome, and it's totally different and tastier than the food you have in "China towns" outside China.


5. Guanxi. It's hard to understand it if you haven't lived in China. But once you discover it's meaning and use, it's one of the greatest things in building relationships here. Guanxi is stronger than an ordinary friendship. When it comes to solving problems, no questions asked.


EDIT: I'm talking about strictly in business contexts here, among private parties/individuals - NOT involving government officials, hence, corruption is out of the picture. In business, to me guanxi has always been a positive experience - it's something you don't see in other parts of the world. It makes transactions smooth.


6. Nature and travel. China is massive, and full of travel spots. This goes without saying, but it's one of the reasons why I've been living here. Traveling around China gives you the most amazing experiences you can imagine.


7. Police. I lived in the UK for many years in the past, and although UK police are famous with their professionalism, they are NOT as friendly and welcoming as the police in China towards foreigners. I can say the same about the police forces I've seen in many other countries too. Chinese police are very friendly, helpful and welcoming. Of course, if you break the law and being disrespectful, that's an issue in every country. I'm just talking about the general attitude towards foreigners living and working in China, not the criminals. For example, when I was a student in the UK, and one early morning I was helping a friend to move his stuff to a new apartment, we were stopped by the police, and they lined us against the wall. For no reason. They were very disrespectful, blamed us for working illegally, which we were not! And interrogated us like we were criminals. I often got stopped by the police on London underground and my oyster card was checked to see where I was coming from like I was some sort of criminal. I understand they were doing their job, but it doesn't mean to be disrespectful. You don't experience this in China.


8. Government Officials. Just like the police, the officials in the government offices - tax, immigration and etc. departments are very friendly and welcoming. They don't go over their duties for no reason, and be skeptical and overly suspicious about you/your business if you approach them with questions etc. No offense, but it happens a lot in the US and UK, especially when you're extending your visa.


9. Transport. It's well developed and organized. Especially in Shanghai and other major cities.


10. Living costs. China is not the cheapest country, but relative to what you earn/can earn here, it is cheap. If you know how, you can buy products designed and produced for export very cheap online. I'm not talking about fake products. It's no secret that most of the famous brands' products are made in China, and it's possible to purchase those products online from the same manufacturers which produce for the brands.


11. Business opportunities. China has so many business opportunities like no other country in the world has, especially from a production and market size point of views. If yo figure out how to sell to Chinese customers, the market is huge. If you want to start your own brand, again, China is the place - you can easily find a factory and get your product done.


12. Language and the Chinese characters (Hanzi 漢字). I love Chinese language and the characters. They are unique, and beautiful. Also, from a business point of view, if you speak Chinese, you have access to the biggest market in the world.


Stuart Morgan, MIT Education Council (Volunteer) (2014-present)


I've lived here for 6 years, and yes, I do love China. Please recognize that ALL my comments reflect that of a foreigner in China - not natives. Here are my top reasons why I (and my wife) love living in China:


#1 - The people are great and the friendliest I have known in my world travels and international residencies. And, people are HAPPY!


#2 - The food is fantastic, fresh, and incredibly cheap! I especially enjoy buying fresh produce, at least 10 types of mushrooms at about 10% of USA prices. Our average precooked takeout 3 course dinner is around $3.00-$4.50 per person. Sometimes it is only about $2.00 per person (again, this is for fresh pre-cooked takeout, not for making our own dinner!).


#3 - There is no violent crime in Beijing, a city of 22 million people. Our teenage daughter attending high school here could be out until 2AM with friends, doing karaoke or whatnot, and we had no worries for her safety!


#4 - Incredible public transportation. Never need a car. My occasional city bus ride costs $.15! The high speed inter-city trains are amazing! This weekend I'm travelling by train from downtown Beijing to downtown Hefei - 1,000 KM by fast train - 4Hrs23Min. You could never make that time by plane!

不可思议的公共交通。从来不需要车。我偶尔坐城市巴士要花15美分!高速城际列车太棒了!这个周末我要坐火车从北京市区到合肥市区- 1000公里的高速火车- 4小时23分钟。这些时间你坐飞机也搞不定!

#5 - The career opportunities are excellent, with salaries comparable or higher than the USA while cost of living is about 35% the cost of the USA. That's why Chinese are able to save - not because they are so frugal! And, no age discrimination in employment!!


#6 - Vibrant, lively, and endlessly entertaining. Even after 6 years, walking down our street in Beijing is like attending "Cirque du Soleil."

充满活力的,活泼的,无穷无尽的娱乐。即使6年过去了,走在我们北京的大街上,感觉就像在看"太阳马戏团"(Cirque du Soleil)。(译者注:太阳马戏团是加拿大娱乐演出公司,也是世界最大的戏剧制作公司)

#7 - Thousands years old and ultra modern Art, culture, history, architecture - FANTASTIC!!





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