首发 | 艺术感和想象力并存的设计「Design首发80期」


叫Bruno tarsia出生于西西里岛上的一个小镇,后到地中海研究大学建筑专业就读,26岁那年为了追求和实现设计梦想,他买了一张机票飞往了1200多公里之外的米兰,借助米兰这个强大的时尚与设计IP,他的人生也可谓“自此风景无限”,如今已是国际知名的意大利建筑师和室内设计师。

Bruno tarsia



Bologna Apartment

在Bruno Tarsia 的空间设计中,看似随意却用心摆放布局,总是带给人无限想象力和艺术感

In bruno tarsia's space design, seemingly random but carefully arranged, it always brings infinite imagination and artistic feeling.

Bruno Tarsia常常以强烈却不突兀的手法,让空间如同艺术品一般的精致,他注重色彩二分法的平衡,用多种元素混搭出魅力十足的氛围,创造出具有独特个人风格的设计符号

Bruno tarsia often uses strong but unobtrusive methods to make the space as delicate as a work of art. He pays attention to the balance of color dichotomy, mixes and mixes various elements to create a charming atmosphere and creates design symbols with unique personal style


Grey shows its soft moment, and then you know what tender feelings are like water, because it is more inclusive than white. The misty gray gives you a real but fantastic reverie. This is the aura that only gray can give birth to-its sex appeal is free, it never feels sorry for itself in the mirror, and it does not need attention and applause. Gray has its own secret kingdom.



Private House in Rome

Bruno Tarsia努力实现更高更好的设计效果,他总结自己的工作是基于研究知识,更新审美情趣,这样才能提高工作质量,这也是他一生的成长愿望

Bruno tarsia strives to achieve higher and better design results. He summarizes his work based on research knowledge and updates aesthetic taste, so as to improve the quality of work, which is also his lifelong growth wish.


The space is dominated by deep tones, and exquisite material conversion and various details form a restrained aristocratic temperament. The color matching design of the background wall includes pearl white anion wall covering and wood with exquisite texture. The combination of the two textures and the gold gingko leaf wall decoration bring rich changes to the facade.


The whole home adopts deep color matching, and pays attention to the contrast between different colors to create more aesthetic feeling. Soft clothes and hard clothes pay attention to the conversion, splicing and matching of materials to produce a low-key luxurious texture.


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