首发 |简约到极致,变成优雅-约翰·富兰克林「Design首发87期」


0932 Design Consultants目前总部设在新加坡,是一家屡获殊荣的设计咨询公司,正式成立于二十一年。在0932,设计方法和流程已应用于私人住宅,零售店,水疗中心,度假村,酒店,服务式公寓,展示套房和公寓......

受著名建筑师克里·希尔(kerry hill)最初简朴的工业美学的启发,这座1,130平方英尺的工作室公寓融合了原始混凝土和自然音色的美,并将其与抛光玻璃、精致灯具和当代家具的背景相提并论。干净的线条和移动的墙壁定义了一个流动的、不断变化的空间,允许无限可能性的自由。


Tinted glass changes opacity along with the condition of the natural light that fills the apartment. In the day, the tinted glass acts as a reflective surface that, when coupled with mirrors, creates an infinity effect that amplifies the spatial quality. Come nightfall, the interior lights up, revealing the apartment in its entirety.


A sense of subtle visual interest changes the perfection of an otherwise harsh, industrial interior.

"Simplicity, carried to an extreme, becomes elegance." John Franklin

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